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Jamboree is the flagship ideation, pitching and collaboration event at Allan Gray Orbis Foundation.

Email: jamboree@allangrayorbis.org

Copyright @Jamboree 2024

>Nontando Mthethwa

About The Speaker

Nontando Mthethwa

Nontando Mthethwa is the Head of Public Affairs and Communications at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation. She is responsible for the Foundation’s internal and external strategy communications, coordination and facilitation of organisational partnerships, advocacy and strategic stakeholder engagement in addition to brand and reputation management.

Panel Moderator: ‘What investors look for’

Nontando Mthethwa is the Head of Public Affairs and Communications at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation. She is responsible for the Foundation’s internal and external strategy communications, coordination and facilitation of organisational partnerships, advocacy and strategic stakeholder engagement in addition to brand and reputation management. She is also a Steering Committee member of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, South Africa Chapter.

Previously the Head of Communications and Marketing at Kagiso Trust, a development agency whose vision is to overcome poverty in South Africa; she served on the board of Kagiso Shanduka Trust (a R500 million partnership between Kagiso Trust, Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation, FirstRand Foundation and Free State Department of Education), where she Chaired the Trust’s Communications Committee.

She is an advocate for collective development in Africa and is passionate about exploring new ways to future proof Africa for its long-term sustainability. She is a Steering Committee member for the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, South Africa – global network of organisations that propel entrepreneurship in developing economies and serves on the Africa Advocacy Advisory panel.

Nontando holds a Bachelor of Arts and Honours degree in Journalism from the University of the Witwatersrand, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and Masters in Business Administration from the Gordon Institute of Business Science.